BEMER horse set
The Bemer horse set provides rest, relaxation, and recovery.
After extensive testing on my own horse and on those of my friends and clients, I am overwhelmed by the effects the Bemer blanket has on them. My own horse unfortunately once broke her pelvis, and she developed osteoarthritis on her hindquarters because of it. in the search for a tool to support het better, I came upon the Bemer blanket. After 2-3 weeks of 5 minutes of Bemer a day, my horse was running incredibly smoothly and bucking with joy. I couldn’t believe my eyes. After seeing that, I decided to purchase a Bemer blanket for my horse but also to become a distributor for the Bemer Horse set.
The BEMER Horse-Set is a very powerful magnetic blanket that is charged to the power network.
This technology improves microcirculation, i.e., blood flow in the finest blood vessels, promotes metabolism and cell activity and consequently relaxation and healing processes. This is effective for a crucial element of health.
Supple horse
Suppleness, strength, correct body use, physically and mentally relaxed.
Performance capacity
The Bemer therapy starts from the microcirculation and can make your horse stronger through better supply to the cells.
The parasympathetic, responsible for rest and recovery, promotes digestion and replenishes energy reserves. It becomes active when the horse calms down. You can have a helping hand in your animal’s relaxation. In addition to e.g., massages, treatment with the BEMER Horse-Set can also support this process. The BEMER blanket covers a large part of the muscles. Thus, the magnetic field therapy works over the whole body. Light impulses activate the microcirculation: smallest blood vessels are well supplied with blood and the supply to the cells is promoted. What does this mean for your horse? It enters the phase of relaxation faster and will help with its recovery. And the best part? A permanently relaxed horse has less risk of injuries and infections.
Every horse owner knows that an injury can quickly occur in the barn, at the pasture or in training. Even if one knows his horse well, indications of overtiredness often remain under the radar, as horses can take a lot and do not show their pain right away. This is where you can do effective prevention. Using the BEMER Horse-Set promotes microcirculation and increases overall performance. In addition, it affects the so-called relaxation nerve. Thus, the BEMER Horse-Set can help minimalize the risk of infections and injuries.
The Bemer horse set is also extensively supported by scientific research in several countries and there are several horse clinics working with the blanket such as the renowned Tierklinik Lüsche.
* Dai, F., Dalla Costa, E., Giordano, A., Heinzl, E., Giongo, P., Pagnozzi, G., Cannas, S., Minozzi, G., Minero, M. (2016). Effects of BEMER physical vascular therapy in horses under training. A randomized, controlled double blind study (in publicatie). Milaan: faculteit voor veterinaire geneeskunde, universiteit van Milaan. // Genn, Dr. H. J. (2017). Gevolgen van de fysische vasculaire therapie BEMER voor het gedrag van paarden voor en na een operatie (studie door gebruikers). Steinfeld: paardenkliniek Mühlen. // Brandenberger, Dr. O., Kalinowskiy, A., Körner J., Genn, Dr. H. J., Leser, Dr. S. (2021). Effect of Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER)-Horse Therapy on Cardiopulmonary Function and Recovery Quality after Isofluran Anesthesia in 100 Horses Subjected to Pars-Plana Vitrectomy. Veterinary Surgery, Juli 08-10, 7. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13672 // Genn, Dr. H. J. & Kools, B. (2021). Het gebruik van de BEMER therapie voor het seksuele gedrag (libido) van hengsten bij het dekken (studie door gebruikers). Steinfeld: dekstation Schockemöhle & paardenkliniek Mühlen. // Bundesverband für Gesundheitsinformation und Verbraucherschutz, 2018, p. 9
The new BEMER Horse-Set®
Out of love for the horse
With the BEMER Horse-Set, BEMER Int. AG has for years been offering an efficient therapy for improved microcirculation – with positive effects on recovery, prevention, and smooth gait in horses. In close cooperation with big names in equestrian sports, this set has been continuously developed further; it now includes numerous new features and sophisticated details. A rider is only truly happy on a happy, healthy, rested, and relaxed horse. Only then can the horse cooperate attentively and willingly. With the new BEMER Horse-Set, BEMER Int. AG is making a valuable contribution to this. For decades, the company from Liechtenstein has been pioneering research and development in physical vascular therapy. Thus, it has gained fame first in human medicine, but also for a long time in equestrian sports. This fame is widely known through its long-standing partnership with the Riders Tour. The BEMER Horse-Set is optimally adapted to the needs of the equine organism and is effective for a crucial element of health: it improves microcirculation, i.e., blood flow in the finest blood vessels, promotes metabolism and cell activity and consequently relaxation and healing processes. Scientific studies also confirm an improvement in smooth gait and recovery.
In cooperation with famous names. From the very beginning, BEMER has cooperated with luminaries form the equestrian sports, equine medicine and amateur athletes to continuously develop the Horse-Set further and optimally adapt it to the high demands in the stables and at tournaments. Participants included the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan, the HCCG, Dr. med. Vet. Hermann Josef Genn, Hof Kasselmann or Paul Schockemöhle Marketing. Their insights through their work were applied in the development of the set. The result: the best BEMER Horse-Set ever. The set includes a large, anatomically shaped horse blanket, two leg covers, a charger with Y-cable for two devices, a handy carrying case – and numerous sophisticated features and details of high quality. The large, anatomically shaped horse blanket reaches all neuralgic points of the horse; with the two leg hoods, the legs can be treated quickly and purposefully. Using the BEMER Horse-Set could not be easier. The blanket and leg hoods are cable-free and have a powerful battery. They are quick to install, breathable, made of sturdy material and washable. The set is quickly stored and transported in the convenient carrying case. The BEMER Horse-Set is therefore undoubtedly the ideal companion to support the health of horses. Therefore, it is not surprising that the world’s top equestrian athletes react enthusiastically: in addition to Paul Schockemöhle, world champion Simone Blum is also a convinced user.
- Intuitive and easy to operate
- Integrated battery and signal controller
- Cable-free operation
- Light, with flexible coils
- Space-saving storage
- For any type of horse rug, no degraded operation
- 3 treatment programs (duration 5/10/15 minutes)
- Easy to clean
- Solid for daily use in the stable
- Can be adjusted to the size of most horses
- Developed and produced according to the standards of medical products
- Free shipping
- 3-year warranty, a commitment to the quality of our products for more info and prices