Manual Lymph Drainage

Manual Lymph Drainage

Manual Lymph Drainage, called MLD for short, is a very gentle massage technique where you work directly on the lymphatic system. It is a very subtle way of massage that horses find very pleasant and relaxing. Lymphatic drainage increases the drainage capacity of the lymphatic system up to 75%. This system plays an essential role in the health of a horse. Both as a cleaner (of substances that no longer serve the body) but also as an important player within the immune system. Waste materials will leave the body faster and less acidification occurs.

Manuele lymfedrainage bij het paard lymfetaping omtrek meten van een paardenbeen met CPL chronisch progressief lymfoedeem

The lymphatic system is a very extensive complex network throughout the body and ensures the removal of waste materials. If this system does not work properly, all sorts of ailments can develop such as thick legs, mug acidosis, … The pictures give an idea of how extensive and complex the lymphatic system is. There are lymphatic ducts, lymph nodes or glands, lymph fluid, an absolute and a relative water line, a thoracic duct, a terminus,…

Lymphatic drainage increases the removal of waste materials, accelerates, and improves recovery and stimulates the immune system.

Because MLD has a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, it can be used to support in all kinds of situations in which a horse needs to recover. Think of injuries, wounds, operations, illness, or trauma. But also, after exertion. After intensive training an MLD treatment is a great support to get rid of the harmful substances that have been released. It is a preventive treatment for e.g., muscle tension and it reduces muscle pain (stiff and rigid muscles) because the released lactate is removed.

lymphatic system painted on a horse


  • stable legs
  • overused tendons and muscles
  • stiff back and problems with the hindquarters
  • stiff neck
  • tendinitis
  • laminitis
  • edemas (post traumatic and post operative)
  • einschuss
  • poorly healing wounds
  • tail and mane eczema
  • colds
  • during and after illness
  • after medication, e.g.: antibiotic treatment
  • poor overall resistance
  • restless anxious horses
  • chronic progressive lymphedema (CPL)
  • slow recovery after intensive exercise
  • muscle sickness
  • elephantiasis (elephant leg; residual damage after Einschuss)
  • chronic mug
  • thick sheath
  • high susceptibility to inflammation
  • high injury susceptibility
  • rapid acidification and stiffness after exercise
  • problems around scar tissue
  • after castration

Lymphatic drainage has a supporting function in rehabilitation and training build-up. But also, after a tough competition, MLD ensures faster recovery.

For several complaints, a manual lymphatic drainage treatment can provide immediate support. In some situations, it works very quickly, for example with stable legs or acute edema formation. In other situations, several treatments are necessary; think of poorly healing wounds, Einschuss and laminitis.

In truly chronic complaints such as elephantiasis, summer eczema or chronic progressive lymphedema (CPL), considerable progress can be made but longer treatment with manual lymph drainage is necessary.

Almost all MLD treatments can be supported by lymph taping. The result and effect of the manual treatment will then be greater and last longer. Lymphatic taping is always supportive after a manual lymph drainage treatment. The specific tape technique with which lymph is stimulated differs from the usual tape techniques.

sportpaard met lymfetaping ter voorkoming van stalbenen

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